Applying for jobs can be a full time commitment. If you want the opportunity to develop a successful career after graduation, you have to be ready to devote a significant amount of time to your job search. Although the process may appear daunting, being proactive and doing a little bit everyday will be beneficial. Here are some tips on how to jump start your career:
1. Utilize career services
The career services staff at your school want to see you succeed, and they likely have more experience and opportunities to offer you than you realize. Go into their office with an open mind, ready to explain to them what your goals and ambitions are. Don’t have any idea of what you want to do just yet? Career services can help you develop your resume, and a vision to help you get started.
2. Join your alumni association
Connecting with alumnus that have attended your university can be extremely beneficial in your job search. Networking in general can be extremely useful, especially with those who are looking out for you already. Alum can provide you with advice, leads, and introductions to companies they have found successes in. And don’t be afraid to reach out, worst case you make another connection.
3. Clean up your social media accounts
Make sure your social media accounts hold content you would be ok with your future boss seeing. Despite what you may think, social media can play a big role in what type of person a company accepts. Although you may think certain things look innocent, they may not be appropriate when representing your future company.
4. Network, Network, Network!
Networking is recognized as one of the most important things you can do to help yourself succeed. Building a strong professional network can help you navigate the future business world you will play a part in. Setting up a LinkedIn account can help you achieve this, and also connect with business professionals and those with a similar career path. Join discussion groups that are relevant to your target profession, asking questions and inquiring about how to become successful will help you gain visibility.
Execute your plan of success
5. Execute your plan of success
Identify the employers that you want to work for. Visit their websites and educate yourselves on what they do, their work environment, and how you can add value to their company. Use your LinkedIn groups, the alumni you have contacted, and your other social media accounts to connect with people who have or do work for your target companies.
Make it your mission to succeed; following these steps will help you get there.